Plumbing O-Rings
O-Ring City
Individual Sizes
© 2008-2021 O-Ring City -
Last Update -11-21-21
Miller Mfg. PPF O-Rings
Duramax Filter O-Rings
View Cart HONDA MC O-Rings
O-Rings made of Buna-Nitrile, Viton, Silicone, Teflon  EPDM and More
Standard Inch size O-Rings   -   Metric O-Rings
Custom Molded O-Rings   -   COLORED O-Rings
Teflon Coated O-Rings   -   Round O-Rings   -   Square O-Rings
O-Rings for just about everything
Need an o-ring or a kit that’s not listed?
Just ask via email us at
We can duplicate just about any kit.
Send us a sample o-ring or kit, we'll make it, then we'll return your kit
and some FREE kits for your trouble.

O-ring City carries a large inventory of general-purpose O-rings. We have immediate access to some of the largest inventories in the United States. That allows us to ship orders fast. Most in-stock orders ship within 24 hours!

We stock AS568 standard size O-rings as well as Metric O-Rings.

The most common O-Ring Materials and Duromters: